mVASC Microscopic Vascular Allograft After Care Guide
For further information and reference:
Normal Symptoms:
- Your pain level may increase 4-5 hours after the time of your injection due to fading of the local anesthetic effects. You may experience soreness from the injection itself for 2-3 days.
- Sit baths, pool, hot tub, sauna x 48 hours. You may take a shower and allow the water to run over the injection sites.
- Anti-inflammatories (known as NSAIDs) topically and orally for 1 week following the treatment. This includes Ibuprofen (Advil), Naproxen (Aleve), Celecoxib (Celebrex), Meloxicam (Mobic), Arnica, Biofreeze, CBD, etc.
- Processed sugar or alcohol for the first 48 hours
May Use:
- Over the counter analgesics as needed (Tylenol ES 500mg 1-2 tabs 3x/day, lidocaine topically) as well as magnesium topically or orally
Recommended Activity Level:
- Week 1 – Light use of limb affected, mainly for daily duties and grooming. No restriction on activity using unaffected limbs
- Week 2 – Increase activity by 25% each week. Full activity starting week 5. May resume physical therapy on week 3.
- This may be discussed more fully on an individual basis.
Possible Side Effects:
- Should be minimal to none but call if any of the following below are occurring
- Call the Office if Experiencing Any of the Following:
- Redness, swelling, increased temperature around area injected
- Numbness, tingling, or burning in limb injected
- Fever (over 99.9F), repeated chills
- Pain out of proportion of “normal soreness”
- Any other abnormal symptoms concerning to you